The office Bearers and Members were saddened to learn of the death of their esteemed and highly respected President Mr Langford (Fordie) Gilliland. Fordie was elected and appointed President of the NIVPA when it was founded and provided much help to the new office bearers. In those early days he attended all meetings and proudly took his place at the table along with Chairman and office bearers. He was always keen to be present when the match Fields were being marked out. Fordie was involved in Competition ploughing for over 60 years and represented Northern Ireland at world Ploughing Championships gaining a very creditable third place. He continued ploughing right up to his 91st year a record that probably has not been equalled or will ever be broken!! He was highly respected by all who knew him particularly in ploughing circles and this was clearly reflected by the large turnout of ploughmen who attended his funeral service.