About Us

The Northern Ireland Vintage Ploughing Association (NIVPA) was set up in late 1995 when a group of Vintage Tractor and Machinery Clubs with an interest in Vintage Ploughing got together to consider forming a National Association.

The Inaugural Meeting was hosted by The Ballyeaston Vintage Club and all subsequent Meetings have been held at their Church halls.

Who can Plough

“Vintage” Tractors and ploughs are those models which were in production prior to 31 Dec 1959.

“ Classic” Class. This is a recently introduced Class for “younger” tractors and ploughs. Classic Tractors are those models produced between 1960 and the Introduction of the “Q” safety cab Regulations around 1975. Models produced after that time are not considered eligible as Classic Tractors.

The aims of the Northern Ireland Vintage Ploughing Association are as follows:

– Promote and Sustain Interest in Vintage Ploughing,

– To Preserve Vintage Ploughing Outfits for the Coming Generations.

– To Promote Friendship through Competition.

– To Encourage local vintage tractor and machinery clubs which are affiliated to the Association to run local vintage ploughing matches to the NIVPA rules to help maintain the Skills and Craftsmanship of Vintage Ploughing.

– To Organise and run an Annual National Vintage Ploughing Championship.

– To work closely with The Northern Ireland Ploughing Association (NIPA) to which it is affiliated.

– To represent Northern Ireland Vintage ploughing interests on National and International Committees associated with the setting of Rules and Standards for Vintage Equipment and Competitions.

– To receive and administer grants, gifts, donations, etc as are made available to the Association in furtherance of its Aims and Objectives.

– To invest the monies of the Association not immediately required for its purpose in or upon such investments, securities or property or equipment as may be thought fit. Subject to such conditions (if any) s and such consents (if any) as may be for the time being be imposed or required by law

– To do all such other lawful things which shall be conducive to the attainment of the objectives of the organisation.


The Current Office Bearers for 2020 are as follows:-

President: Mr Len Taggart

Chairman: Ronald Coulter BEM
Tel: (+44) 07831803887

Vice Chairman: Robert Acheson
Tel: 07921025301

Secretary: Miriam Ward
Tel: (+44) 028 9268 2128

Assistant Secretary: Helen Coulter
Tel: (+44) 028 9269 9295/07900053805

Treasurer: Mark Taggart

Health & Saftey Advisor: Mercer Ward
Tel: (+44) 02892682128

Email: miriamward@hotmail.co.uk

An AGM is held each January for the election of Office Bearers and consideration of any additions or amendments to The Rules and Procedures.

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