NIVPA Ploughing Match Postponed
The NIVPA ploughing match which was to be held on the 16th September is postponed until further notice.
The NIVPA ploughing match which was to be held on the 16th September is postponed until further notice.
Will be held on Saturday 16th September 2017 Time; 10.30am Location; 20 Ballyknock Road, Hillsborough BT26 6EF Contact; Ronnie-07831803887, Miriam-02892682128 Helen-07900053805, James 07843962645 Everyone very welcome
The NIVPA is holding a fundraiser on Friday 16th June at 8pm at Spruce Meadows Activity Farm, 112 Ravernet Rd, Lisburn BT27 5NF to assist our ploughmen Peter Allen ( Youngest competitor to represent Northern Ireland at the European Vintage Ploughing Championships ), Mercer Ward Mark Taggart, Harold Simms & …